Friday, September 30, 2011

15 Green Things

For this assignment we were given 15 pictures that were all green and asked to arrange them and change them to create one picture that is visually pleasing. The first main decision that i had to make was which one of the 15 pictures I should use as the background. I chose the arch, and then later on throughout the project I added things to the background such as the trees and free air sign. I changed the road/sidewalk that was in between the arches with grass and parked a car on top of it, with a parking meter in front of it. There is a woman with her cat laying in front of her, beside her crate of apples. The arch has a handicap sign showing it is handicap accesible, and also that there is a fireworks sale going on based on the fireworks sign. For this project i just threw things on the page to see how they looked and changed them as I saw fit. I am satisfied with this project it was quite challenging because you did not get to decide which pictures you were given, they were predetermined.

Monday, September 19, 2011

for this project we had to place an animal or some other object in an unusual place. I chose to place a cow on the moon, because I thought that would be very unusual. We also had to cut and paste various things onto the object to make a hybrid of sorts. I used a dog, a giraffe, and some human feet. The original background was earth, but i replaced that with a picture of tatooine from Star wars. Because I recently finished reading slaughter house five i place a trafalmadorian, which is an alien, or in this case the hand with an eye in the palm. The eye is from Lord of The Rings which are some of my favorite movies. I put an eagle in to represent the US, and decided to attach some reindeer antlers on to its head. I put the tree in to fill up some of the empty space that would have been there. This was a really fun project to do because it allowed you to be as creative as you wanted.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Before and After

For this project i had to use the lasso tool then delete the boat. I decided to use this picture because I typed cool nature pictures into google and this was my favorite choice that I saw. I really like deleting things because it is interesting to see how well photoshop fills in the space behind it. I think it does a really good job, however this boat was pretty big and the background was pretty complicated so it is far from perfect. I fiddled with it some but ended up making it worse so I went back to how photoshop filled it in.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

history brush starry night

I decided to use the history brush for this work of art because it is a very colorful work and I wanted to see it partially colored. I chose to keep the most colorful part in black and white, while keeping the duller part of the painting in color. I think it looks very good because the foreground is in color and the background is in color, while the entire sky is black and white. In the original painting the sky is yellow and blue and very bright, so this is a very big contrast. My biggest inspiration for using this painting was going to google, and i saw this painting on the google home page, so i decided to use it.

history brush mona lisa

I was trying to think of a picture to use for this project, and i was trying to think of famous art. This was the most famous work of art i could think of so i decided to use this. I think she looks good in black and white and the background in color rather than vice versa. I had to be very meticulous when doing the edge of her body to make sure i did not accidentally color in any part of her body. I really like using the history brush because I think you can make very interesting pictures when using it.


This was  a project we were assigned in class to show us how to use a bunch of different tools. I followed the directions and then randomly selected where to place the various objects in the picture. The biggest choice I had was whether to use the tie dye or the graffiti as the background. The other choices were what color to make each object, and what shape of eraser i should use.