Friday, March 30, 2012

second color wheel

For this project i decided to go and take pictures about WAHS, that either had the warrior in them, or said WAHS. I used a football helmet, the scoreboard, and a couple other plaques and things around the school that had the logo or WA on it. Then for the shape to use i chose the star from mario, which is the star in the middle of the picture. This was a fun project that was time consuming though in a fun way.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

photoshop tutorial

For this tutorial i was supposed to use the color replacement tool on a picture and see how it affected the colors. I chose master chief from the Halo sieres. I did not do quite the best on it as you can see, and i think that is because there are so many different shades of green on Master Chief's armor whereas the picture in the tutorial had two colors with very few different shades. Being able to master this tool would be nice but getting the tolerance and everything correct would be difficult.

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

This project was a showcase of our various projects from the year. It was really cool to go through all of the different ones and see how what I did back then versus what I do now, and notice the change. It is really apparent that I got more comfortable using photoshop throughout the year.

Monday, March 19, 2012

hidden art

For this project we had to hide a picture within a picture. For inspiration I asked Nick and he told me to hide a bird in a pile of leaves. I found the pile of leaves then i decided to use a cardinal because it is the state bird and because there were lots of red leaves in the pile. This was a pretty fun project because it is cool to see how long it takes people to find the cardinal. There are two birds hidden in the pile of leaves.

color thingy

I am not entirely certain what this project is called but for this project we had to make a gradient across the canvas then use a gradient on another picture. I chose Dragonite to continue on with the pokemon theme as of late. This project was really fun because of the end result which i think looks really cool. I would definitely do this project again because it looks awesome.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

another tutorial

for this tutorial we i attempted to create road signs. The most challenging part of the project was to create the right gradient and it took me a while and even in the end i was not completely happy with it but i did not feel like struggling with it any more. I chose those three street signs because those are the freshmen that sit closest to me. I asked Nick what type of road he would like to be and he chose avenue, he then chose the type for the rest of the signs.

Inside out

For this project we had to take a self portrait then cut half of ourselves off and fill it with something that tells about ourselves. I took the picture using photo booth and decided to fill myself with soccer balls because they accurately describe my life as soccer takes up a good portion of my time especially with the high school season just starting up. This was a kind of cool project as you had to think about yourself and then apply that in photoshop.

photoshop user tutorial

for this project i had to attempt to put color onto a black and white photo. I chose to try it on master chief the main character of the halo series. I did not anticipate it would be so hard but his mask has a lot of color in it with light reflecting off of it and dark lines running across it. I did the best i could but it would be hard to accurately portray the mask properly. I chose master chief because i am really excited for halo 4 which will come out during the 2012 Holidays.