Friday, June 1, 2012


This is my avatar/alter ego. For this project I took a photo of myself using photobooth and then used the liquify tool a lot. I used it on most aspects of my face including my nose, eyes, and lips. Then I used the color replacement tool on a couple different aspects. Then i put on some war paint to make myself look cool.

For this avatar project I chose to use president Obama. I turned him purple using a little trick Nick showed me. Then i painted some war paint on him, and last I used the liquify tool again to distort some of his features. I hope the secret service doesnt find me.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cumulative project

For this project we had to make an advertisement for ourselves. I chose to use a beach setting because I really like the beach, and I am not able to go this year so I wanted something to remind me of the beach. I chose what I thought were my four best/favorite projects of the year. I really liked doing all of those projects. Then I put on the beach ball border and a gradient on the sign post. This was a fun project because it allowed me to look back on some of the various projects that I had done this year.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hotel Rwanda poster

My poster is on Nick's Blog

Text illustration

For this project we had to chose a word and use images as the letters that best exemplified the word, while also trying to tie the word in with the movie Hotel Rwanda. I chose Bravery which Paul exhibits throughout the entire movie as he houses hundreds of refugees. I also chose his wife and the military leader from the U.N. For the rest of the letters I chose the Tiananmen square event, Braveheart, a bull fighter, and some marines because I thought all of those showed bravery very well. This was a fun project because it helped me remember the movie which was really good, and then help me think about what I thought showed bravery.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Series of Six

This is my series of six. I chose to do my series about the battle between the 1% and the 99%. I think these pictures all accurately portray the battle going on. For some of these pictures I simply added a filter or a stroke. However, for some I created a gradient because I thought it made the picture look better overall. For the Percentage of Millionaires in America and Congress I actually made the entire thing in photoshop. I liked this project because it really made you think about the world and some of the major problems in it.

Friday, March 30, 2012

second color wheel

For this project i decided to go and take pictures about WAHS, that either had the warrior in them, or said WAHS. I used a football helmet, the scoreboard, and a couple other plaques and things around the school that had the logo or WA on it. Then for the shape to use i chose the star from mario, which is the star in the middle of the picture. This was a fun project that was time consuming though in a fun way.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

photoshop tutorial

For this tutorial i was supposed to use the color replacement tool on a picture and see how it affected the colors. I chose master chief from the Halo sieres. I did not do quite the best on it as you can see, and i think that is because there are so many different shades of green on Master Chief's armor whereas the picture in the tutorial had two colors with very few different shades. Being able to master this tool would be nice but getting the tolerance and everything correct would be difficult.

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

This project was a showcase of our various projects from the year. It was really cool to go through all of the different ones and see how what I did back then versus what I do now, and notice the change. It is really apparent that I got more comfortable using photoshop throughout the year.

Monday, March 19, 2012

hidden art

For this project we had to hide a picture within a picture. For inspiration I asked Nick and he told me to hide a bird in a pile of leaves. I found the pile of leaves then i decided to use a cardinal because it is the state bird and because there were lots of red leaves in the pile. This was a pretty fun project because it is cool to see how long it takes people to find the cardinal. There are two birds hidden in the pile of leaves.

color thingy

I am not entirely certain what this project is called but for this project we had to make a gradient across the canvas then use a gradient on another picture. I chose Dragonite to continue on with the pokemon theme as of late. This project was really fun because of the end result which i think looks really cool. I would definitely do this project again because it looks awesome.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

another tutorial

for this tutorial we i attempted to create road signs. The most challenging part of the project was to create the right gradient and it took me a while and even in the end i was not completely happy with it but i did not feel like struggling with it any more. I chose those three street signs because those are the freshmen that sit closest to me. I asked Nick what type of road he would like to be and he chose avenue, he then chose the type for the rest of the signs.

Inside out

For this project we had to take a self portrait then cut half of ourselves off and fill it with something that tells about ourselves. I took the picture using photo booth and decided to fill myself with soccer balls because they accurately describe my life as soccer takes up a good portion of my time especially with the high school season just starting up. This was a kind of cool project as you had to think about yourself and then apply that in photoshop.

photoshop user tutorial

for this project i had to attempt to put color onto a black and white photo. I chose to try it on master chief the main character of the halo series. I did not anticipate it would be so hard but his mask has a lot of color in it with light reflecting off of it and dark lines running across it. I did the best i could but it would be hard to accurately portray the mask properly. I chose master chief because i am really excited for halo 4 which will come out during the 2012 Holidays.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pokemon Chair

For this project we had to cover a chair with images. I chose to cover the chair with Pokemon images because we have been talking about pokemon a lot in class and so i decided to use that as my idea. I chose some of my favorite pokemon and rayquaza because mrs. Burnette wanted me to put him in there and i couldnt let her down. I really enjoyed this project as i really enjoy pokemon.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

History Effect

for this project we had to go to and select a new trick and try it out on our own. I chose the history effect because i thought it looked really cool. Then I choose a picture of a dragon priest from skyrim because skyrim is the greatest video game ever made to date and won game of the year and should be game of the century. This is a character from that game, one of the hardest one's to defeat. That was my inspiration because i dont have the game anymore because i gave it to my friend so i am suffering from withdrawal. i like this effect and i think it looks really cool and will definitley use it again in the future

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For this project we had to take one self portrait of ourselves and apply a filter to it in 9 separate squares. I basically made the grid and then at random chose nine filters and applied them and if I liked the filter, then i left it, however i had to change a few that were a little weird and unappealing. I liked this project as it gave me a good opportunity to check out all of the different filters in photoshop.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Midterm Project

This was my midterm project where we had to make a 35 square grid and use around 25 images in the midterm. I used a total of 6 different images in 27 different squares. For inspiration i just looked through all of my old projects and pulled out some of the ones i liked the most. Then i started going down the list and checking which tools i had used. It was kind of difficult to find all of the tools since it has been quite a while since i last used them however with the help of the search tool i managed to find them all and use them hopefully properly. After i was done with the checklist i went back and applied some more filters to random photos because i really like the filter tool and all the different affects you can use with it. Then i went through the task of filling out the sheet that details what all i did. I really like this project because it was fun to go back through all my old projects and use them in a fun new project.

Friday, January 13, 2012

marla painting

For this painting we had to do an abstract expressionist style piece of art based off of the movie about the 4 year old girl who started making thousands of dollars off of her paintings. To do this work i just selected the paint brush tool and started making random lines and then switching colors, i also changed the type of line some, as well as the size of the line. This was an interesting project as i did not know what to expect going in to it, and it is not my favorite as i am not a huge fan of Abstract art in general

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

xmas card

For this project we had to make a greeting card and enter it in the contest. Unfortunatley i did not make my card in time and so i was not able to enter it into the contest. None the less i made my card for Christmas because it happened so recently. Like most people the first thing I think of, when i think of Christmas is Santa Claus, so i made a Christmas card with Santa saying "merry Christmas!!". Then because Nick insisted I put a trim on the picture and i agree that it looks a lot better with the trim on.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I really like this art work because it is a picture made with real world materials. I like sculptures like this because they remind me of the art around Charlottesville that i like so much. I like these because they turn every day materials into a piece of art that looks really good. Overall i just think this looks really cool how they arranged everything and made a simple yet awesome looking picture
I like this art cover because im not a huge fan of art but when I see a piece of art i think the artist should say which time period it actually came from and not try to make the painting or sculpture seem like it came from another age. I also like the picture on the front because it is old art and the use of shadows on the people's faces is very cool to me. The painting looks very old and is very old because it is not a fake and that is cool to me and makes it legit. overall this is just a cool looking painting