Friday, October 28, 2011


For this project we had to follow a tutorial we viewed online and create a kaleidoscope. I chose lightning because I thought that would make a cool Kaleidoscope. I am happy with the work except for the white line that crosses diagonally across the middle. Otherwise I thought this was a good picture, though a little more could be going on in the middle. I liked this project because Kaleidoscopes are really cool, and it is awesome being able to say I have made one.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

wahs plaque

for this project we had to take a picture and duplicate it to make it fit in four squares. Then distort some of the images. I went out to the cafeteria and saw this poster so i went out and saw this plaque and i decided that since it was spirit week I would do something that was school spirited. I really liked this project because we got to go out and take pictures, as well as being able to use our own work for the first time.

Man of Steel

For this assignment we had to create another negative space image but instead of having words in the black space, we had them around the negative space. I chose "Man of Steel" because that represents superman very well. I thought of superman because most people know him, and it is super hero day here at WAHS. I like this work because superman is awesome and it was just a fun assignment overall.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

negative space and text

For this project we had to find an interesting and easily recognizable shape, I chose a giraffe. Then we had to cut the shape out and give it an outline. I chose green to try and make it stand out a little bit. Then in the negative space we created from the cut, we had to put in words that described the object. I googled a poem about giraffes and chose a short one, so I could include as many words as possible in the picture. I like this project because it was fun to try and think of the words that properly described the picture. I like the picture i had to cut up originally because it giraffes are cool, and have a very unique shape, which made it a really fun picture to play and tamper with.

Monday, October 3, 2011


For this assignment we had to go on to which is a cool website that takes text that you put into it, and comes out with a picture using the words, and arranging them, highlighting and enlarging words it deems important. I decided to use the opening paragraph of the preamble to the constitution. This was the first work of literature that came to my mind. I really like how wordle arranged the words, and I think this picture does the preamble justice.